Here's how Scott's Damascus Trekker Mini Hatchet was made.
Every blade starts with an idea turned into a wooden mock-up
that is used as a guide during the forging process.
Not all of Scott blades are Damascus, but this one was so first he has to make the steel.
This one was forged out of 1095 and 15n20 tool steel randomly stacked, welded, forged together, twisted, then formed into a final billet of steel.
Twisted Damascus.
Final billet ready for shaping into a hatchet.
Final ground - pre-heat treat
Post heat treat
Drift forged from a transfer truck axle.
Block 'o curly maple and drift
Handle cut out
Fitting the head
Roughed in handle
Handle with Aquafortis treatment
Bottom of handle has brown stain added. It added richness and depth to the Aquafortis.
Blade after final etch.
And a belt sheath to complete the package.
Thanks for looking.
Guinea Hog Forge